Information for Institutions Offering TI:ME Courses

Does your university or school offer music technology instruction? If not, now may be a good time to consider it. Many states require teachers to complete inservice training in order to maintain their teaching credentials. Also, music technology courses are among the most popular summer courses of colleges and universities. If you already offer summer music technology courses, you may wish to examine them in light of the recent activities of the Technology Institute for Music Educators (TI:ME).

TI:ME has developed curricular materials that are used in dozens of music-technology classes each summer. Many of the universities offering these courses report that classes are enrolled at the maximum.

What does TI:ME provide?

1. Advertising: TI:ME runs several advertisements each year in the Music Educators Journal and other national publications. These ads list the locations and dates where TI:ME instruction is available. TI:ME also does several mailings and distributes notices to all TI:ME members. TI:ME also maintains a booth at several regional and national conferences. Finally, TI:ME lists sites on it’s web page (

2. Curricular materials: TI:ME’s course materials have been used and refined in approximately 180 classes in the past five years. These materials have been successfully received by several very rigorous university curriculum committees. The fact that these materials are “ready-to-go” speeds the process of getting courses approved.

3. A Certification Program: Students who complete the appropriate courses qualify for level 1 or 2 certification. Their achievement is recognized by TI:ME with a certificate which is suitable for framing. Many of these students list TI:ME certification on their resumes when applying for jobs. Many students find the certificate program one of the most appealing aspects of TI:ME courses.

4. Advising: TI:ME offers advice on advertising and promoting music technology courses as well as on the setup of labs.

5. Faculty: TI:ME provides a list of qualified faculty who deliver excellent instruction. Students submit evaluations of TI:ME faculty each year and TI:ME instructors must maintain a minimum score to continue offering TI:ME courses.

6. Equipment: TI:ME encourages instructors to contact those members of the music industry who are TI:ME sponsors. Some of the companies provide, on a limited basis, equipment and software for classes.

7. Training: TI:ME offers training for instructors at its national conference. (required for first year instructors)

What do I need to do to offer TI:ME instruction at my university?

1. Join TI:ME as an institutional member. Membership information and applications are available on the TI:ME web site.

2. Examine the curricular materials on the TI:ME web site and select the courses to be taught.

3. Make arrangements for faculty. TI:ME courses may be taught by your faculty, provided they receive approval for delivering the instruction. There is an instructor application available on the TI:ME web site. If no qualified faculty are available, TI:ME maintains a list of faculty who are currently certified for the delivery of TI:ME instruction. Hiring arrangements are worked out between the universities and the individuals. TI:ME is not involved. All faculty teaching TI:ME courses must attend training at the TI:ME National Conference.

4. Submit dates and advertising information to TI:ME for inclusion in TI:ME’s national advertising campaign.

One final note, institutions offering TI:ME instruction should have a lab of computers suitable for use with a music technology class. TI:ME can offer assistance connecting schools with equipment manufacturers.

Where can I get more information?

If you are interested in offering TI:ME courses please contact
the TI:ME Education Committee at the address below

Dr. C. Floyd Richmond
[email protected]


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